Issues: Unpaid Spread of Hours, Inaccurate Paystubs
On April 26, 2024, a former customer service representative in New York filed a class action lawsuit against King Teleservices, L.L.C. and Skyview Capital, LLC (“King Teleservices”) for unpaid spread of hour pay for customer service representatives employed by King Teleservices in New York. The lawsuit specifically seeks to recover unpaid spread of hours pay and other damages under the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”).
The complaint alleges that King Teleservices required customer service representatives to work shifts of over ten hours while paid at the applicable minimum wage. Despite this, King Teleservices failed to provide spread of hours pay as required by the NYLL.
If you work for King Teleservices or a similar company in the customer service industry, make sure you are getting paid for all of your hours worked and at the correct rate. Unfortunately, this industry is notorious for skirting wage laws in order to save on labor costs. You can reach our firm, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP, for a free and confidential consultation at (212)300-0375 or you can visit our website here for additional helpful information regarding your work rights. You will be able to address your concerns with one of our experienced attorneys and see if you may have a wage claim.
You may also view the filed complaint here.