Fitapelli & Schaffer filed an amended complaint against Chipotle seeking overtime compensation on behalf of Apprentice’s nation-wide.  We allege that the primary duties of an Apprentice are similar to hourly workers.  To date, employees from the following states have joined the lawsuit: New York, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas and Missouri.

Click Here to Read the Amended Complaint

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A lawsuit filed against A-1 First Class Moving & Storage (“A-1 Moving”) alleges that A-1 Moving failed to pay its service employees the prevailing wage rate as set by the New York City Comptroller’s Office.  The prevailing wage is the pay rate set by law for work on public works projects.  The prevailing wage law covers anyone who:  works in construction under a public works contract on a City-owned facility; provides building services such as security, cleaning, temporary office clerical, ...

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T.G.I. Fridays Lawsuit Update

Counsel for Defendants asked the Court to compel removal of Plaintiffs’ website ( alleging the website contained false and misleading information and infringed on T.G.I. Friday’s trademark.  Plaintiffs argued that the website was proper attorney advertising and would not infringe on Friday’s trademarks because the public would not be confused regarding who controlled the website.  The website contains disclaimers specifically stating that, “This website is not affiliated or endorsed by TGI Fridays or This website provides information regarding a ...

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An investigation seeks to uncover whether Barnes and Noble properly classified their Assistant Managers as exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Laws.  By classifying their Assistant Managers as exempt, Barnes and Noble paid them a set salary regardless of the amount of hours they worked.  However, it is alleged that Barnes and Noble misclassified their Assistant Managers as exempt since Assistant Managers performed the same work as the hourly employees.  ...

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Click Here to View the Notice

Click Here to View the Consent

F&S is pleased to announce that Judge Hellerstein has signed off on a stipulation allowing court-authorized notice to be sent to over 600 current and former employees of celebrity chef Daniel Boulud’s restaurants: Daniel, DBGB, Bar Boulud and Boulud Sud.  If a person joins the case, they will be able to seek remedies for unpaid minimum wage, overtime, tips and spread of hours.


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Click Here to Read the Decision

We are pleased to report that Judge McMahon has granted our motion for Rule 23 Class Certification for all tipped and kitchen workers who have worked at Public House, Butterfield 8, Tammany Hall and Wicker Park in the past six years.  We will be sending notices shortly advising employees of their ability to participate and recover if a settlement is reached.  Restaurant workers should be aware that they are able to bring claims for ...

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Click Here to View the Complaint

On November 20, 2012, Fitapelli & Schaffer filed a class action lawsuit against The Riese Organization, Inc., who owns and/or operates 10 T.G.I. Friday’s in Manhattan.  T.G.I. Friday’s is a popular restaurant brand with more than 500 locations worldwide. This lawsuit alleges that T.G.I. Friday’s failed to pay proper minimum wages, overtime pay, spread-of-hours pay, and call in pay to servers, bussers, runners, bartenders, barbacks and other tipped workers as required under the federal ...

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Click Here to View the Complaint

Fitapelli & Schaffer filed a class and collective action against Chipotle Mexican Grill, a “fast casual” restaurant chain with over 1300 locations nationwide.  The lawsuit alleges that Chipotle failed to pay their Apprentices and Assistant Managers proper overtime compensation by misclassifying them as exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Laws.  We allege that Salaried Apprentices performed the same work as hourly employees, primarily working ...

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Yankee Stadium Banquet Servers Lawsuit

Click Here to Read the Lawsuit

On November 15, 2012, Fitapelli & Schaffer filed a class and collective action lawsuit against Legends Hospitality, LLC and New York Yankees Partnership (collectively, “Yankees”).  The lawsuit alleges that Yankees led their customers to believe that the mandatory service charge during private catering events was a gratuity that would be distributed to the Banquet Servers.  However, the Yankees retained a portion of this gratuity/service charge.  Moreover, the Yankees failed to pay its Banquet Servers ...

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Kramer v. Trans-Lux Corp., No. 3:11cv1424 (SRU) (D. Conn. Sept. 25, 2012)

A Federal Court in a recent case gave an expansive interpretation of the whistleblower protections under the Dodd-Frank Act.  Some fear that this ruling will allow more employees to qualify as whistleblowers and, therefore, be afforded the protections of Dodd-Frank from retaliation by their employer.  A “whistleblower” is any individual who provides information relating to a violation of the securities laws to the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”).  ...

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