Plaintiffs Win Conditional Certification in Star Nissan Case

On April 12, 2017, in the case of Hotaranu v. Star Nissan Inc., No. 16 Civ. 5320, Judge Robert M. Levy of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York granted Plaintiffs’ motion for a conditional certification of a collective action under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Plaintiffs originally commenced this action on September 26, 2016, on behalf of themselves and all similarly situated current and former auto sales representatives employed at the Star Nissan dealership, ...

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Delivery Workers Cannot be Paid a Tip Credit says Connecticut Supreme Court

There has been an important development for tipped workers in the state of Connecticut. The Connecticut Supreme court has decided that delivery workers cannot be paid a tip credit instead of the full minimum wage rate. The norm had been that businesses like hotels and restaurants would pay its delivery workers the reduced minimum wage because they were earning tips, however, this recent decision points out that the law may have been misinterpreted all along. Delivery workers may have always ...

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Disability Discrimination Verdict of 4.5 M Against Auto Dealer

An employee of Fields Motor cars of Florida, a Mercedes dealership, sued them for disability discrimination after they terminated him once he returned from a medical leave for his kidney cancer treatment. The 71 year old employee was cleared to return to work where he capable of completing all of his job duties but was instead terminated for failing to follow company policies over an incident that happened 10 years prior.

A federal jury in Florida recently reached a verdict in ...

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Nick’s Pizzabar Sued for Unpaid Wages

On Monday, March 13, 2017, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP filed a class action lawsuit against Nick’s Pizzabar for unpaid wages. Nick’s Pizzabar, which is under the same management as other well known NYC restaurants such as Harry’s Café and Steak, Pier A Harbor House, Harry’s Italian, Adrienne’s Pizzabar, Ulysses’ Folk House, Bathtub Gin, The Dead Rabbit, Le District, The Growler, and Vintry Wine & Whiskey, has failed to properly compensate its former and current delivery workers. This lawsuit seeks to ...

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7 Million Dollar Settlement for Real Estate Appraisers

On January 31, 2017, Real Estate Appraisers for Bank of America Corp. were awarded a 7 million dollar settlement after alleging LandSafe, Inc. and LandSafe Appraisal Services, Inc., and their parent company, Defendant Bank of America Corp., refused to pay them overtime even after a similar case against them for unpaid overtime two years prior settled for 36 million dollars. This lawsuit claimed that Bank of America Corp. refused to change their compensation practices even after the prior lawsuit and ...

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Construction Companies Frequently Fail to Pay Laborers Overtime

Laborers for construction companies are frequently paid improperly at the hand of their employers. They are often salaried or paid a day-rate which as argued by a recent lawsuit against Magnetic Contracting Corp. and City Metro Corp., would entitle them to receive overtime pay when working over 40 hours per week. Magnetic Contracting Corp., a commercial and residential construction company operating throughout the greater New York City area, was hit with a class action Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and ...

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Walmart to pay $7.5 M to Settle Same-Sex Benefits Lawsuit

The retail giant, Walmart, has settled a discriminatory same-sex benefits lawsuit. They have agreed to pay $7.5 million after resolving a lawsuit filed in 2015 by a Massachusetts employee. That employee alleged being repeatedly denied health coverage for her wife due to their same-sex marriage. The lawsuit was brought as a class action and intended to cover other Walmart employees in same-sex marriages that were denied health insurance.

Although Walmart has denied these claims, it has agreed to pay ...

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Duane Reade to Pay Out Big for Overtime Violations

The popular drugstore chain, Duane Reade, has finally settled a 5 year long class action lawsuit that alleged it denied overtime pay to its employees. They have agreed to pay $13.5 million to cover claims that its assistant store managers were not paid for all of their hours worked in accordance to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

According to the lawsuit, Duane Reade required its Assistant Store Managers to work at least 55 hours per week but only ...

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Keane Group Holdings Sued for Unpaid Overtime

Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP along with Bruckner Burch PLLC filed a collective action against Keane Group Holdings for unpaid overtime. Keane, well known to some of the largest oil and gas companies, offers completion services such as hydraulic fracturing, engineered solutions, wireline technologies, coiled tubing, top hole air rig packages, and cementing. This lawsuit seeks to recover overtime pay for plaintiffs and their similarly situated oilfield coworkers. Affected workers include QSHE Coordinators, Wireline Supervisors and other similar salaried workers.

When pay ...

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Nursing Home Chain in NY Owes Workers $2M

The Grand Healthcare System, a nursing home chain based out of New York, was investigated by the Department of Labor (DOL) for possibly violating the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by not paying its employees for all of their hours worked.  This past Thursday, the DOL announced that the company has agreed to pay more than $2 million to affected workers.

Nearly 850 employees across five different nursing home locations will be entitled to back wages and damages. The ...

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