Patriot Well Solutions Sued Over Unpaid Overtime

Patriot Well Solutions , one of the leading providers of wireline and coiled tubing service in the United States, has just been sued over failing to pay its employees the proper wages. There are a significant number of potentially affected employees throughout the nation working on projects for Patriot in Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota and Texas. The affected job titles include Wireline Operators, equipment operators, and other similarly situated workers.

Despite the fact that these laborers are considered non-exempt employees, meaning ...

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Charges for Unpaid Wages Prompts Arrests for NYC Restaurant

The restaurant industry is notorious for cheating workers from receiving their pay in accordance with the law. Often times tipped workers in restaurants are paid less than the minimum wage, not paid overtime at time and one half, forced to complete hours of prepping and cleaning without the correct pay or paid a set salary instead of an hourly rate.  In this specific matter, it was made clear ...

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River Palm Terrace Steakhouse Sued for Unpaid Wages

River Palm Terrace which was recently voted one of “America’s 50 Best Steakhouses” allegedly owes its tipped employees hard earned cash. A lawsuit filed this past Friday alleges that the steakhouse owes its tipped workers minimum wages, overtime pay, and misappropriated tips. Tipped employees that could be affected by this lawsuit include servers, bussers, runners, bartenders and other tipped employees that work or have worked at the steakhouse located at 1416 River Road, Edgewater, New Jersey 07020. The class action ...

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Chipotle Facing Thousands of Wage Theft Arbitration Claims of its Own Making

Chipotle is now crying for mercy after forcing its current and former employees to enter into arbitrations to argue their wage claims against the company. The fast-food goliath had instituted a company-wide tactic of requiring its employees into arbitration agreements in 2014 forcing almost 3,000 plaintiffs into individualized reviews of their claims by arbitrators as opposed to class action lawsuits in court. When you sign an arbitration agreement, you promise to pursue any legal claims against your ...

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Walgreens to Pay $269 Million on FCA Claims It Overcharged Federal Programs

Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. has agreed to resolve two federal and state lawsuits under The False Claims Act for $269 million. The False Claims Act (FCA) was enacted by Congress long ago to effectively combat fraud against the federal government. In these two cases, Walgreens had been accused of overbilling federal health-care programs. The settlements were approved last week and made public this past Tuesday.

The first case in this matter settled for $209.2 million which Walgreens agreed ...

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Court Denies Berry Bros Motion to Dismiss

The wage and hour class action lawsuit filed against Berry Bros Construction for failing to pay its laborers overtime pay will continue to move forward. Filed in November of 2018, this case seeks to recover unpaid overtime for a proposed class of laborers including mechanics, welders and electricians. Recently, the Texan based construction company asked the court to dismiss the case based on grounds that the plaintiff did not plead sufficient facts in order to establish a claim under the ...

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Transportation Workers to be Exempt from Arbitration

A recent Supreme Court ruling found that federal courts cannot force interstate transportation workers into having an arbitration hearing to resolve workplace disputes. Employees are often forced to sign arbitration agreements with their employer, which usually forces them to pursue any legal claims such as discrimination, wrongful termination, and breach of contracts, through arbitration instead of a lawsuit. Arbitration claims are presented to and decided by an arbitrator as opposed to a jury which is often viewed ...

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Federal Employees Sue Government Over Unpaid Wages During Shutdown

Currently, about 500,000 federal employees are being required to report to work each day without pay or guarantee of immediate back pay once the government reopens. Although government shutdowns are nothing new, this year’s shutdown has become the longest in history standing in at 27 days. However, federal employees are making a stand. Two of the nation’s largest federal employee unions, the National Treasury Employees Union and the American Federation of Government Employees, have filed separate wage ...

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Au Pairs Set to Recover $65.5M in Unpaid Wages

Almost 100,000 au pairs nationwide may soon be awarded with potentially the largest settlement ever for minimum wage workers. More than 15 companies employing these child care professionals agreed to tentatively pay $65.5 million in owed wages. The lawsuit, which was filed back in 2014, proposed the settlement last Wednesday in Denver federal court just before going to trial. The settlement agreement is currently pending the courts approval.

The au pairs from countries such as Australia, Colombia, Germany, ...

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Minimum Wage Increases for NY Once More

As of December 31, 2018, the hourly minimum wage for New Yorkers has increased yet again. New York City employers with 11 employees or more must pay their hourly workers $15.00 per hour and the appropriate overtime rate at time and a half when working over 40 hours per week. For hard working employees, the wage boost is much needed especially in a city where the cost of living is so high. Governor Andrew Cuomo proudly commented ...

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