How the New Stimulus Plan May Help the Restaurant Industry and Its Employees

The $2 trillion stimulus plan has arrived but how will it help millions of the worst hit hard-working Americans such as those in the restaurant industry? The relief bill aims to put much-needed money in the pockets of workers like servers, cooks, bussers and bartenders that are out of work due to the recent closings of restaurants nationwide. With more than 3 million workers applying for unemployment benefits just last week alone, this plan aims to ease some of the ...

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Papa John’s Hourly Employees to Receive $3.4M in Unpaid Wages

A class action lawsuit brought by Papa John’s employees for unpaid wages in 2018 has been settled pending court approval. The hourly franchise and corporate employees have asked a California federal judge to approve a $3.4 million settlement to resolve claims that the fast food pizza chain failed to pay its employees for mandatory training.

The lawsuit alleged that hourly employees were forced to complete mandatory company wide training while ...

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Restaurant and Delivery Workers to Benefit from New Paid Sick Leaves During Coronavirus Pandemic

In a key development to try and protect all employees struggling with job security, particularly restaurant and delivery workers that continue to be essential, two new federal and state laws have been enacted to financially help during the coronavirus pandemic. Eligible employees will be able to earn their full rate of pay while out sick or in quarantine for up to two weeks. The federal law signed by President Trump and state law signed by Governor Cuomo aim to help ...

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What Work Rights do Childcare Providers Have During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Childcare providers and their employers have a whole new set of issues to face as new realities set in with government officials enforcing executive orders to have 100% of non-essential workers stay home. Childcare providers, such as nannies, have been deemed essential and are allowed to report to work, however, many of their employers are unsure how to proceed in the coming weeks as the pandemic unfolds. ...

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The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, part of the coronavirus emergency relief package, has just become law and it will be essential in providing American workers with a first ever federally mandated paid leave if it becomes necessary for them to take time off due to COVID-19. This paid leave is a temporary response to coronavirus and is set to expire on December 31, 2020. While this is great news, it is important to know if you qualify for this ...

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With the nation’s reaction to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, changing daily, the developments may leave many of us facing several unknowns especially when it comes to our workplace. As offices, stores, and job sites begin to decide on whether to close or remain open, many employees have no idea what their rights may be during this unprecedented pandemic. Whether you are being asked to work from home, report to work, stay put or are being laid off, you do have ...

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Fitapelli & Schaffer to Continue Operations Remotely During COVID-19 Pandemic 

We want to take a moment to let you know that Fitapelli & Schaffer is prepared to continue to support you and your needs as we face this difficult climate as a nation together. Out of an abundance of caution, and for the safety of our employees, our office has begun to work remotely. We will be available during regular business hours continuing to assist new clients as well as diligently working on existing claims. 

We remain accessible by phone and email ...

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Handling Your Legal Issues Remotely – How F&S Can Help With Your Claims

Did you know that many of your attorney needs and potential claims can be handled remotely without ever needing to leave the comfort of your own home? Our firm, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP has clients nationwide by providing all the essential tools to consistently communicate with them. If for some reason you are unable to visit our New York City office, we are able to quickly provide access to necessary documents and can conduct any essential meetings virtually throughout the United ...

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Mortgage Consultants Claim Wells Fargo Owes Significant Unpaid Wages

Mortgage Consultants and Loan Officers for Wells Fargo Bank have recently filed a class action lawsuit alleging the national bank violated several aspects of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL). Due to the bank’s policies and practices, Mortgage Consultants were consistently unpaid minimum and overtime wages, commissions, agreed upon wages, and unlawful deductions. This lawsuit seeks to recover these unpaid wages and other damages under the NYLL.

Despite Wells Fargo promising its Mortgage Loan Officers, via an offer letter, that they ...

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Engineers for Oil & Gas Industry Win Collective Action Status for Unpaid Overtime

Engineers for MBI Energy Services (“MBI Energy”) filed a collective action lawsuit for wage and hour violations early last year and it continues to move forward successfully. MBI Energy provides well completion services throughout the United States, including in regions of North Dakota, Colorado, and Wyoming. This lawsuit seeks to recover overtime compensation for salaried wireline engineers and all other similarly situated workers who work or have worked for MBI Energy Services, Inc., Missouri Basin Well Service, Inc., and High ...

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